Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hardy Weinberg Problems For Lab 8 Has Anyone Done Lab 8, Population Genetics Lab, In AP Bio?

Has anyone done lab 8, population genetics lab, in AP Bio? - hardy weinberg problems for lab 8

Hardy-Weinberg made and the problems of the case 3 a.m. to 4 p.m., but I'm having trouble with questions for the case of one and two ... Can anyone help? Thank you ...

I wondered whether the ball 4 - The frequency of alleles in case 1 procedure invites us to record information or if it is just to show us how to do something ...

The first question that the Hardy-Weinberg equation predicts that the new P & P. Is this a situation or particles in general. I think I'm very confused in general. So, if someone can do me this laboratory with these two areas, which would be much appreciated, or lead me in the right direction, at least, I thank you for help!


Sweethea... said...

e-mail and I can give all the answers. I'm in AP Bio right now.

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